I did a couple of things differently since my first time using the Burpee seed starting kit. I wanted to share a few quick tips and also provide an update about what’s growing in our garden. 


Tip 1: Prepare the Soil Pods, but take your time

I knew that it would take longer than the instructions say for the water to expand the seed pods. Therefore, I didn’t intend to do everything in one sitting – this is especially important if you’re working with children. Nobody has time for that!!

I opened the box, set aside the pieces I didn’t need right away, and had my kids help me start flipping the seed pods over. This is a simple little activity that they’re good at (especially with their little hands). 

Toddlers Flipping Seed Pods
Toddlers Flipping Seed Pods 2
Toddlers Flipping Seed Pods 3

Once all the pods were facing the right way (flat side up), I turned on the watering hose. Last time I used hot water from the kitchen and had to make multiple trips in and out because… I followed the instructions EXACTLY (I was scared of messing up)… so I measured out the exact volume of water, but ended up needing more.


Tip 2: Just use your hose

I recommend using your watering hose to shower your seed pods… watch them absorb the water… shower some more… repeat.

I moved along with my day, went inside, and had a snack 😊 I would revisit the seed pods every 30 minutes or so and water again. The main point of my story is that I knew it would take longer than one sitting, so I broke everything up into small increments. I watered, watched, and came back. I did this until the soil was wet enough to break up and create the consistency I was after. You want everything to be nice and loose for planting your seeds. 

Toddler Prepping Seed Pod Soil
Toddler Prepping Seed Pod Soil 3


Tip 3: Don’t assemble, then add the water… fill up the water FIRST, then assemble

The direction have you assemble your kit completely, then add the water last. I disagree because the space to add the water is actually really narrow and things end up getting messy this way. I think it’s easier to add the water first – then build your kit over it.

This means, once your seed pods have good loose soil…

  • Skip ahead and fill up the bottom black plastic tray with water. I didn’t even measure this time… just eye marked it to about 75% of the way full.
  • After that, place the raised stand part of the kit inside the water tray.
  • Then, the felt wicking fabric lays on top with the black side facing up.
  • And last, put your seed soil pods on top of the wicking mat. The clear plastic part goes on top when you’re done (but note that it doesn’t close completely).

Now you are ready to plant your seeds!

This time, we are doing a mix of stuff we’ve grown before and things we want to try! A lot of places are sold out of seeds at the moment, but I was able to find luck at Pinetree Seeds 😊

We ordered: sunflowers, radishes, cucumbers, cilantro and serranos!

I let my kiddos help out with the seed placing. I like for them to hold and count the seeds and place them gently in the pods. 

I like showing them how different seeds look. For example, it’s cool for them to see the difference between the big black sunflower seeds compared to the tan little cilantro balls. 

Toddler Holding Seeds in Hands
Toddler Holding Seeds in Hands_close up

Seed Progress

It was really exciting to see our seeds pop just 4 days after planting! First up was the sunflowers and cucumbers. By day 7 almost everything we planted had a few successful seedlings. 

When I did this kit the first time, back in early May, everything (every pod) pretty much worked! This time around (late July) I didn’t see as much success. This is probably because it’s so dang hot. 

In addition to the seed starting kit – serranos, radishes, cilantro, cucumbers, and sunflowers  I also had each of the girls plant a sunflower in a small terra cotta pot.

gardening with kids
Toddlers Playing in Dirt

Sunflowers are so beautiful so I hope we’re not too late into the season. The cool thing about sunflowers is that they sprout pretty fast. Similar to the sunflower seeds in the pods, the ones sown into the pots sprouted up in just about 3 days.

Sunflowers Day 3_pots

Sad side note: On Day 10, the sunflowers in the kit were the biggest sprouts and looked great, but on the morning on Day 11, there were only stems left. I believe something ate them (like a rabbit). This is really disappointing because now the only sunflowers we have are the 2 in the pots.

Transfer Day

After 11 days, it’s time to transfer the seedlings into the Square Foot Garden beds. I had my little ones help me of course 😊

I love taking this opportunity to show the WHOLE plant… roots, stem, and leaves (especially because the roots are usually underground). 

Cucmber Seedling_Day 11

Here's a quick overview of what's been moved:

  • We have 3 serranos in terra cotta pots
  • We have 2 serranos in Box #3
  • We have 2 cucumbers to Box #1
  • And 2 sunflowers in pots
Cucumbers in Square Foot Garden

I’ve decided to wait for the radishes and cilantro to get a little more established before I move them.

Let me know what else I should try this late in to the season. Happy gardening 😊